When the latest in a series of lamentable boyfriends lets her in on his plan to become the next big thing in porn, Evin Hart flings the nearest heavy object at his head and elects to relinquish her miserable independence for the long lost comforts of home. With her beloved dog Gulliver, Evin makes haste to Palm Springs, where she intends to bask in the sun with a frosty adult beverage, but before she can commence her poolside sprawl she’s tangled in the loose ends of her stepfather’s affair. Her mental health break goes completely awry when bodies start piling up and Jack, her stepfather, is arrested for murder. She and Jack have a deplorable habit of never letting each other down, so Evin hides her fears behind a snarky front (ok, so her front is always snarky) and goes in search of a killer. She’s helped (aka hindered) by her mother Leonie, a disciple of Absolute Truth, Harry Chalmers, who has gone from scrawny childhood annoyance to unfairly sexy, and her best friend Zuzu Jones, an ER nurse who gets a kick out of patients with self-inflicted veggies. In spite of the bodies, bullets and mayhem, Evin finds that nothing can snap you out of a funk quite like three dead blondes.
Source: Goodreads